NaBloPoMo Roundup and Reflection

November was a serious blogging month for me. Thirty posts written for NaBloPoMo, twenty photoblogs for Photography 101, one interview for a podcast, and the one thousand total WP followers milestone (thank you thank you thank you!!). Here are some of the highlights from NaBloPoMo. Your favorites: If We Were Having Coffee (Drowning and Excitement Editions) Not Just Ramen Changing…

How To: Live Tweet a Concert

There’s a time and a place for live tweeting. Commentary and quotes that remind you of your family’s silliness is appropriate for the holidays, but you can–and should–use different tones for different events. My best friend Julia and I went to a concert earlier this week at the Wonder Ballroom in Portland. Smallpools and Magic…

How To: Live Tweet the Holidays

Live tweeting is a bizarre thing, when you think about it. Why spend your whole time at an event or during an episode of your favorite show tweeting about it? Seems like it would only detract from the experience. But sometimes it truly adds to the experience. It gives you a way to compile and…


Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey. Mashed potatoes. Stuffing. Uncle Bob’s clam dip. Green beans. Rolls. Grammy’s sweet potatoes. Salad.Pumpkin cheesecake. Uncle Bill’s blackberry, pumpkin, and apple pies. Friends. Family. Gratitude. Laughter. Rinse. Repeat.

We Are In A Book!

We Are In A Book! by Mo Willems is officially my new favorite children’s book. I stumbled across it while killing time at a bookstore and fell in love. The book has two characters: Gerald (an elephant) and Piggie (a pig–I was going to let you assume Piggie was indeed a pig but you never…

It’s Wet Outside

I started calling myself a blogger in the early days of Victim To Charm. “If I’m blogging, I’m a blogger,” I told myself, “There’s no minimum number of posts or followers before I can call myself that.” Certainly, this little site was occupying enough of my headspace and my identity to assume the title. But it’s…

Not Just Ramen

Confession: I’ve never eaten ramen at college. Blasphemy, right? Ramen is practically made for midnight snacks and alternatives to dining hall food, but it’s always been a homey comfort food for me. When I was little, ramen was reserved for Saturday mornings. We’d wake up and eat our ramen (always adding peas, chicken, or egg so…

Of Sprinting and Starving: How I Got Home

This is a PSA. I’m home. I’m alive.  I’m not sleeping in the Detroit airport. Yesterday I got out of work and immediately called a cab to pick me up at my dorm. I got in, mentioned I was going home to Oregon, and the driver excitedly started asking me a TON of questions about the…