7 Things You Need to Know Before Traveling to Cuba

Traveling to Cuba is daunting, both because of its misconceptions and its all-too-real (yet frustrating or baffling) truths. This guide to some of the more logistical aspects of Cuba may help. 1. Pay attention to prices in CUC vs. CUP. Cuba has two currencies: the peso convertible (CUC) and the moneda nacional (CUP). As a tourist, you’ll be using the…

A classic red Chrysler convertible that serves as a taxi in Havana.

6 Things That Are EVERYWHERE in Havana

You know when you travel somewhere and there are certain things you just cannot escape–no matter how hard you try? These are the six things you simply can’t escape in Havana: 1. Rum. Admittedly this particular drink is made with tequila, but rum was even more ubiquitous in Cuba. Often it was cheaper than water and it always came…

Visiting Cuba as an American

If you’re from the United States, you’re probably somewhat fascinated by Cuba. After 55 years of the embargo making travel to the island nearly impossible, Cuba has developed an enigmatic, forbidden-fruit quality. That element of mystery and uncertainty made visiting Cuba in March a bit nervewracking for me. How will Cubans treat us? Will I be…