Year in Review + What’s Next

If you’re a stats nerd, you probably love getting WordPress’s “Year in Blogging” annual report that highlights your top posts, referrers, commenters, etc. When I think about this year in blogging, I’m extremely proud. The numbers are impressive, sure, but it’s more than that. This year, I published 230 posts, including two months (April and…

nanowrimo calendar

Destined to Fall Apart

Here’s the thing about starting new projects: it’s never a good time. There are always things that are pressing, other priorities that need to be accomplished. We already occupy 24 hours a day doing whatever it is we choose to do. When we start new things, we don’t add hours to the day. We just have…

Let’s Talk About August

Let’s talk about August. August was my best month overall, traffic-wise. Note, however, that all that traffic was concentrated in the first half of the month. A single post–one from pretty deep in the archives, too–is the culprit. Feminist Friday: The Problem With The Manic Pixie Dream Girl started blowing up. It may or may…

My Writing Process

Back when I was doing my Vancouver travel series, I wrote a post called The 10 Best Things About Vancouver. The final post has nice headings, brief written explanations, and multiple photo galleries. The prewrite version? Well. Here it is: an inside look into my writing and thought processes. 1. The architecture. Urban decay, blah. 2.…

What Happens When…?

What happens when you decide to do a roundup every 2-3 months and then forget until right before starting the April A to Z Challenge? You catch up of course! Here’s some of my best posts since December, in which I answer life’s burning questions: December 1. What happens when…gender influences your book choices? 2. What happens when…you put…

The Blogger Connection

My long-term blog goals list looks something like this: Get Freshly Pressed. Attend a blogging conference. Turn blogging into a career. I’ve accomplished the first one (score) and the last one is highly improbable. The second is doable, but difficult. Mostly because I live in two places. For instance, WordPress is hosting a Press Publish conference in…

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. It was first established in the early 1900s, and since then has been a day designated for the fight for equality of the sexes.  From the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote to the Lilly Ledbetter Act backing equal pay, legislation in the United States has been slowing…

Search Terms: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Some search terms make sense and direct readers to what they want. Others aren’t perfect, but come close enough to work. The rest are a smorgasbord of “erm,” “okay then,” and “WTF?” Some people seem to be coming to my blog for advice on personal matters and…shopping? Some visitors seemed to need help with school assignments or…

How iCal Saved My Blog

I desperately needed an editorial calendar. A real one, anyway–my scribbled notes and dates were becoming too disorganized, especially when I wanted to plan for bigger blogging projects. When you're a #blogger who changes her mind as much as I do… — Sabina (@VictimToCharm) December 19, 2014 I spent a lot of time googling…

2014 In Review: Goals and Stats

I started Victim To Charm at the beginning of 2014. One of my resolutions was to “try blogging.” You can tell by the way I worded that goal that I doubted my likelihood to stick with it. Yet 163 posts later, here we are. I started out writing once or sometimes twice each week, primarily…