Review: Lost At Sea

What it is: Lost At Sea is a graphic novel by Bryan Lee O’Malley (of Scott Pilgrim fame) about a girl named Raleigh who goes on an unintentional post-graduation road trip and ends up discovering deep connections with three new friends and with herself.

What I liked about it: Basically everything. I’m a sucker for a good road trip story, and this one is both fun and insightful–it deals with universal truths and pains of insecurity, friendship, heartbreak, and growing into one’s self. It’s beautifully written, and has a intriguing dreamy quality that made me occasionally wonder what was an imagined distortion of reality and what was truly real.

What I didn’t like about it: I wanted it to be longer, and I wanted Raleigh to have pupils. Those completely white eyes took a bit to get used to.

Memorable quote: Can I just quote the whole book? No? Fine. How ’bout two? Okay.

1) “Everything’s confusing. Everything beautiful is far away, or maybe everything far away is beautiful. It’s like how the grass is greener on the other side. Grass just looks nicer from the other side, you know? Grass where you’re standing looks like dirt with green hair.”

2) “All my stupid little thoughts beget stupid little thoughts, rampantly speculating every possible outcome of every possible situation until they’re all done to death and none of them could ever be true.”

Overall rating: 5/5 stars.

Challenge satisfied: #18, read a book that someone else has recommended to you.

Admittedly this wasn’t an explicit recommendation, since I already had it on my Goodreads TBR, but I wouldn’t have gotten around to it for quite some time if Hannah hadn’t sent it to me in a giveaway!

Additional notes: This book has a Catcher In The Rye-ish feel to it. But like if Holden gave a few damns instead of exactly zero. Also it was published in Portland and Oregon gets a few shoutouts so holla. ALSO SERIOUSLY READ THIS BOOK NOW.

Lost At Sea is book 10 of 24 for my Read Harder Challenge. You can also read my reviews of Blues People and We Need New Names.

An affiliate link is used in this post. All opinions in this review are my own and are not influenced by the affiliate.

23 thoughts on “Review: Lost At Sea

  1. Oh, bless you for sharing a great graphic novel recommendation! I haven’t read this one, but I have been looking for a good one to pick up. “Grass where you’re standing looks like dirt with green hair.” YAAAS, PREACH! Loved that whole quote you shared. Cheers!


  2. Haha I too would be very bothered by the pupils, but based on your review I will check it out anyway even if the art isn’t immediately appealing. It sounds like there is some great writing and thoughtful subject matter content!


    • You’re welcome! I haven’t read Scott Pilgrim and couldn’t get through the movie (too many references I didn’t understand) but I’m thinking I’ll give the series a shot.


  3. I’ve only ever read one graphic novel. I loved it. It has been a long while. It was The Road to Perdition by Max Allan Collins. I might give this one a try. It does sound good. Maybe. I have to get it on Kindle and I see that it is available for Kindle so I might. Nice review.


  4. Pingback: 2015 Book Challenge Review: Lost At Sea | mismatchedface

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