Planned or Spontaneous? The Best Way to Travel

My parents raised me to be a traveler. I’ve experienced almost as many countries as I have birthdays, and many of those trips were with family. My mom takes planning a trip to the extreme, filling a binder per trip with daily itineraries and pre-purchased admission tickets and Google Maps printouts and Rick Steves city guides. I learned from…

Home Sweet Home

After 14 states checked off and almost 3700 miles driven, Matt and I arrived in Ithaca, NY to move in and start the school year. I’d never even seen our new house or met our two other housemates before moving in, so I was a little nervous and a lot excited. Turns out I absolutely…

Oregon girl pumps gas

7 New Ways to Pass the Time on Road Trips

So you’ve found yourself on a cross-country road trip, and now you have to keep yourself entertained for long hours in the car. The license plate game and 20 Questions are classics, but it’s more fun to think outside the box. Here’s what Matt and I suggest for passing the time: 1. Play the Cow…

A Day in Minneapolis

“What if we went to Minneapolis instead of staying another night in South Dakota?” Matt asked. Next thing I knew, my plans were out the window and I was frantically messaging Britta to ask if we could stay with her during our spur-of-the-moment detour.  Originally the idea stressed me out (I hate when plans change, especially…

Mount Rushmore: The Highlight of South Dakota?

Almost every time I write about something on my blog, it’s because I’m bursting with love for it. Especially for my travel posts–I get my motivation to publish from my excitement over those experiences. I’m not bursting with love today. I don’t even blink before proclaiming my love for Wyoming, and I definitely don’t hesitate say South…

3 Reasons Why Air Bnb is a Traveler’s Best Friend

There’s a few standard lodging options while traveling: booking a hotel or motel room, crashing on a friend or family member’s couch, pitching a tent at a campground, and sleeping in your car at rest stops. After nixing the last two (Matt was a proponent, and I was very firmly not), I started looking into finding Air…

Yellowstone National Park

Stunning. Incredible. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Amazing. By 3pm, we were already out of adjectives to describe our wonder and awe at Yellowstone National Park. The name “Yellowstone” is perhaps a bit misleading, because most of the rocks aren’t yellow, but we were surprised to see so much diversity in color. The colors are as bright and beautiful…


I Fell In Love With Wyoming

Spoiler alert: Wyoming was by far my favorite place on our cross-country road trip. And it was unexpected, too. I’ve made so many quips about how there’s nothing in Wyoming, it’s such a boring state, how could anyone live there? I didn’t expect to fall in love with it as hard as I did–I felt legitimately heavy-hearted…

rock tunnel

Craters of the Moon National Park

The first time I went to Craters of the Moon National Park I was 4, and I earned my Junior Ranger badge. The second time I went to Craters of the Moon National Park I was 19 on a cross-country adventure, and it was the perfect stop between Boise and Yellowstone. Craters of the Moon is…