George cover

Review: George

George knew that Mom was trying to help. But George didn’t have a normal problem. She wasn’t scared of snakes. She hadn’t failed a math test. She was a girl, and no one knew it. -Alex Gino, George Synopsis: George is a girl. Her body might fool people into thinking otherwise, but she knows she’s a girl.…

Review: Blue is the Warmest Color

What it is: Blue is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh is the story of Clementine, a high school student, and Emma, a college student, who begin a romantic/sexual relationship. Emma guides Clementine to understand and come to terms with her sexuality, but ultimately tragedy tears the two apart. What I liked about it: The art is fantastic. I have…

First Gay Wedding

Only a few weeks after the Supreme Court announced that same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states, I went to my first gay wedding. It was also my first “stranger wedding”–I didn’t know either of the grooms or anyone at the event besides my date, so I felt like a neutral observer. In fact, I…

Beyond the Bechdel Test

Last week I wrote about the Bechdel test, which asks a few basic questions about any given movie to begin evaluating feminine roles in film. Women, however, aren’t the only underrepresented and compartmentalized group in the mainstream American film industry. While modern laws prevent discrimination in workplaces and schools based on age, race/national origin/ethnic background, religion,…