Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR



1. The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, to satisfy the “read a Pulitzer Prize winner” assignment for the Read Harder Challenge (note: this was also on my Summer TBR, but I never got around to it!)

2. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, to satisfy the “read a sci-fi book” assignment for the Read Harder Challenge.

3. Shopgirl by Steve Martin, another vestige from my Summer TBR list (I did really poorly at completing that list…whoops).

4. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. It’s a classic and I’m interested, both despite and because of the creepiness.

5. After the Plague by T.C. Boyle. I brought it to college but haven’t read it yet, and collections of short stories tend to be more manageable to read during the school year.

6. Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It’s short, I loved the movie, and I’ve never read any Neil Gaiman. No more reasons necessary.

7. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. YA is super enticing to me in the fall because it’s easy to read, providing a break from all the chaos of the school year. I’ve heard good things about Rainbow Rowell’s books, too.

8. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews. I’ve been wanting to read this for awhile, and since the movie was released this summer I can check out the adaptation after I complete the book.

9. Adverbs by Daniel Handler. One of the stops on our road trip was in Milwaukee, where we stayed with my Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler-obsessed friend. Seeing her rekindled my interest in his writing.

10. The XYZ Factor by Nancy Lublin. It’s on my shelf, and the ease of already having something in the room to read is priceless.

What’s on your TBR for Fall 2015?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book blogging event hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR

  1. My friend knows I’m a huge Rush fan, and he is a gamer, and so he recommended ” Ready Player One by Ernest Cline” to me after saying it was the best book he had ever read.


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