Feeling The Wanderlust Again

I was raised to be a traveler–I’ve been to 15 countries in my 19 years–but I’m naturally a homebody. Most days I’d rather enjoy the quiet comforts of home than go out exploring, and I feel like I have a “home quota” that I must fill in order to feel normal.

plane over mount hoodBut sometimes I find myself afflicted by wanderlust, the desire to travel and experience new places. For me, wanderlust combines with a creative spark for photographing the world.

The last time I felt this way I planned my whirlwind trip to Vancouver, BC (which I haven’t even finished posting about yet!).

This time, I’m not sure where I’ll find myself. I’ve been looking at photography-oriented day trips to Central Oregon, and my best friend and I are considering going to Bellevue, WA for the upcoming arts fair.

What I know is this: even with three big trips coming up (cross-country road trip to NY, a week in London/Amsterdam in November, and two weeks in Mexico in January), the homebody in me has fulfilled its “home quota,” and now it’s time to experience somewhere new.

45 thoughts on “Feeling The Wanderlust Again

  1. I can relate to this whole-heartedly. I would rather spend a quiet night in reading or watching movies than hit the town and party till the wee hours of the morning, but I feel a deep and urgent call to get up and out of my community and see the whole world. Your post made my heart flutter. Those trips you have planned sound like they will be a BLAST! Cheers :-)


  2. Wanderlust is a good thing :) I’m the same way: love to travel as much as possible, but also love having a home to hole up in and steal away from the world in between. Sounds like you have some great trips on the horizon!


  3. Do it! Do all of it! All of you – do it! :)

    We are back in Portland for 2.5 months after 26 months of travel. it’s really nice to have a “home base” but I know in a few weeks our feet will be itching again… There’s too much of this world to see.


  4. I was totally thinking the exact same thing myself yesterday. My husband and I love to travel and were lucky enough to spend 2.5 months in Asia this past fall. It was nice being home for a bit but now I’m itching to go somewhere! Next up is actually BC, so I’ll have to take some tips from your trip!


  5. I feel I was raised more to be a homebody, but wish I could be a traveler – I just have to be able to afford it! Not every trip has to be a big one though – exploring in your car a new city in Oregon or neighborhood in Portland all help me affordably explore. Another way I do so is a lot of reading (ok, often about food) and then going to a restaurant of that ethnic cuisine to pretend travel


  6. I feel the same way, but feeling never goes away. I’ve came to US 3 years ago, and I feel there is so much to explore..even smallest trips and hikes give me thrill and I love it.


  7. Definitely feeling the wanderlust myself! Love that your visiting my country’s capital this fall! How long will you be staying? If you have enough time in The Netherlands, I’d certainly recommend a visit to my hometown The Hague. It’s one of the four biggest cities in the country. Located near the beach and with a lot less tourists than Amsterdam!


  8. Definitely with you here! I love being home when I’m home, and then I get over it and itch to travel. Even when I have a full calendar of traveling, sometimes that wanderlust bug sneaks up and bites me! I’ve found, though, that sometimes you can have just as much fun exploring your own city as exploring one miles away. Amazing that I can live somewhere for years and still find new places! That’s how I cure my wanderlust, anyway, when I can’t jump on a plane that moment. :) Enjoy your adventures!


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