
  We come together like the teeth of a zipper Interlocking, holding together tight Not identical but aligning There’s nothing more frustrating than breaking a zipper The teeth seem to forget that they ever attached to each other Leaving backpacks and dresses wide open When they should be held together tight This post is part…

Quiz Me

Where did you grow up? What’s your favorite baseball team? How old were you when you had your first kiss? Which colleges did you apply to? What’s your takeout order? Why did you hate your sister? How are you resolving that now? What’s your dream job? Why do you think you tackle life better alone?…


Look at every inch of her and see what you did. She wears one half of her broken heart on a chain around her neck and the other inside her chest. You said friendship and she said trust. You said friendship and she said respect. You said friendship and she said compassion. You say friendship and…

for lease

The Hunt

Seven dollars at a garage sale bought me four woven placements and a framed print of Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party for the house we will never share. I go to every open house in my area. I don the blue booties to protect the pure white carpet from the inadvertent damage I cause…

for lease

You Give Me Fever

I have this fever. 104 degrees. I try not to move, restricting myself to the confines of my silhouette of body heat. Sweatshirt, sweatpants, socks. Even my hood is up, and you know how much I hate that. Layers can only do so much. My body is homesick and you are home. I try to…


Not Quite Gone

Even once you think you’ve finally moved on, I’ll still find you in the most unexpected places. My favorite book will appear on your shelf. My fingerprints will decorate the condensation on your water glass. Every newscaster will say her vowels like I do. You’ll find my smile tucked behind the mirror and my too-dark…


The Only Words

He wasn’t a reader, but he promised to read my favorite book, knowing how desperately I wanted him to love words the way I do. He started reading in June. Two months later I boarded the plane to New York with a memory on replay: running to his car in the rain the night before, only to hear…


One Fist

When your ex-boyfriend gets a new house, a new car, and a new phone, you’ll find yourself trying to count the things that haven’t changed—his incredible memory, his playfulness, his eyebrow raise, his gentle hands, and his voice—and end up holding out one hand and one fist. When he shuffles you out the door before 11…