You Do You

I tell my friends all the time to do what they want, regardless of expectations or others’ perceptions. “You do you” is a phrase that comes out of my mouth daily.

And yet, I found myself failing to follow my own advice.

doing me

Me doing me

Towards the end of fall semester, I realized that my major, speech-language pathology, wasn’t what I thought it would be. It was much more science-based than I expected, and I’m not interested in memorizing every single freaking cartilage that we have in our upper bodies.

First I told myself I wouldn’t go to grad school right away. I’d take some time off, enjoy other interests, likely spend some time working as a speech pathology assistant, and make my way to grad school in a few years.

But that didn’t satisfy me. I became increasingly frustrated in my speech classes, so I told myself I didn’t have to go to grad school at all. I’d get a B.S. degree in speech, then use my work and extracurricular experiences (all communications-related) to enter a writing job.

It still wasn’t enough. I was in the middle of a lecture about fixing articulation errors of r and l, and I felt absolutely miserable. I couldn’t envision myself ever becoming a speech pathologist. I couldn’t even envision myself making it through the next two years without having a permanent frown etched in my skin.

FullSizeRender-12So I changed my major. I applied to the communications school, got in, and will be entering the Communication Management and Design major in the fall.

I went to my academic advisor for speech last week and told him that I’d be changing majors. He was a bit surprised (he told me he’s never had anyone leave the major), but he was encouraging.

“Sometimes it’s a lot easier to stay in something just because you’re already there, but that’s not a good reason to do it,” he said. “I’m glad you’re doing what you love.”

It’s a huge risk–if I don’t like CMD, I’m stuck with it for the next two years–but I’m thrilled. What I’m passionate about outside of school will finally resemble my academic path.

I’m finally taking my own advice. I’m doing me.

This post is part of my April A to Z Challenge. For more All Things College posts, click here

40 thoughts on “You Do You

  1. That is excellent advice indeed. I’m happy for you to make the switch. So many are stuck doing something they hate because it is easier than taking action. You’re awesome!


  2. Good for you! College is a time for exploration and figuring out what you like—as well as who you are. If we all had to commit to being one type of person or following one career path when we entered as freshmen, we’d have a whole world of miserable people. Good luck on the communications path!


  3. My BA had a linguistics core and I was miserable in a bunch of the classes. I also didn’t stay with it for my MA program. I think you’re being smart, the world needs more people who love what they’re doing everyday.


  4. Good for you! If you don’t love it, speech is NOT the program for you. I find it very unlikely you are the first person to leave the major – maybe for him, but I know you won’t be the last either. You can be something in your twenties, something else in your thirties and something completely different after that. Follow your heart and YOU be YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good for you!

    Silly example, but I was once talking to a coworker about whether I should get the plain black shoes (that would go with everything) or the bright floral combat boots (I really wanted.) She just put down the paper she was looking at and exclaimed “You just have to live your life!”

    So now I wear floral combat boots and they are amazing and I’ve taken that advice to heart ever since. Why regret things, especially minor things, and even MORE especially big things? :)


  6. I just read an article recently about how the phrase “You do you” is only further evidence of how narcissistic our society has become. I couldn’t disagree more. How are we supposed to help others and the world around us if we aren’t fulfilled in how we’re living our own lives?
    Good for you for going the extra mile and doing what is right for you. Hopefully this new major is much more fitting!


    • Sometimes I find myself doing things for myself and feeling selfish and apologetic, but why feel bad about doing what makes me happy? All we have is ourselves & our own lives. Thanks for the encouragement, Britta!

      Liked by 1 person

      • No problem! I think there’s a difference between being selfish and taking care of yourself…a lot of people are so worried about being selfish that they fail to realize that they are actually hurting their well being in the process. Glad to encourage you!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Good for you! I like what the advisor said- we shouldn’t stick with things we don’t enjoy just because we’re already involved. Good luck with everything!


  8. Changing your major may seem traumatizing, but it often is the best decision. I changed my minor no less than three times in a three year period when I was in school.

    Plus, I had a friend who did Speech Pathology. Her words, “That shit was tough.”


  9. I so understand you. I was a linguistics major for two months and then dropped out and mentally broke down. It wasn’t pleasant, but it helped me finally decide to do what I wanted, which is study psychology through distance learning. I am a much happier person, in spite of my mental health problems, than I was in 2007 when this took place. I am so proud of you for following your drive to do what you want!


  10. I’m glad you finally got the opportunity to follow your own advice! I think we have to keep moving toward our goal, even when we aren’t sure what that goal is. It’s sometimes much more clear what our goal is NOT and that’s a good thing to pay attention to! Good luck with the new major!


  11. I love this, Sabina! I majored in Business Accounting because it was practical, and I despised it. It took me into my late 30s/ early 40s to figure out what I want to do and where I want to be. Good for you for doing you- I have a feeling you’ll be great as you! :)


  12. What a great teacher! I’m pleased you got the go ahead to move in the direction of your dreams and to have such a word of encouragement from your academic advisor. Great post. It does my old heart much good to know young people are following their hearts rather than other peoples’ expectations. Lovely read. Visiting from A – Z Challenge. I wonder how you will pull together a reflection with so many interesting contributors. I’ll be waiting … (Linda) 🎈


    • He’s a fantastic advisor, and he’s pretty much the only reason I’m sad to be leaving my major. Thank you for visiting! I have an A-Z Challenge After Party happening on my blog right now if you’d like to come join the fun :)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Good on you! My sister is majoring in Speech Pathology, and from what I hear, it can be a optimism-destroying program. I’m glad that you’re going after what moves you all the way through. :) You do you.


    • It’s pretty intense, and all my classmates were extremely competitive, which isn’t my style. I imagine my new classmates will be competitive too, but at least my passion will match theirs.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. That’s wonderful, Sabina! I firmly believe you need to follow your passions. They may change over time, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve been in a number of different professions, and I have learned something from each one to bring to the next. When I look back on what I’ve done so far, the passions that I have for communication (English major!), learning, and teaching / helping others has threaded through all of what I have done, even if it didn’t seem like it at the time.

    Enjoy your new major!


    • Thanks Sue! I always knew I’d be a multi-career type person. I change my mind too often to stick too closely to one thing, so I’m not too afraid to follow my passion.

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  15. Pingback: On The #AtoZChallenge | Victim to Charm

  16. I changed majors in my sophomore year…after being a declared physics major for about 3 months. If it wasn’t for my first major, I wouldn’t have met my husband :) Life is a journey and we have to go with the flow. When you are doing the right thing, you will have peace…that’s how you know you are “doing you” the right way :)
    Katie @TheCyborgMom


  17. Pingback: If We Were Having Coffee (Back to School Edition) | Victim to Charm

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