nanowrimo calendar

Destined to Fall Apart

Here’s the thing about starting new projects: it’s never a good time. There are always things that are pressing, other priorities that need to be accomplished. We already occupy 24 hours a day doing whatever it is we choose to do. When we start new things, we don’t add hours to the day. We just have…


The Calendar

Along came November, not a single expectation in sight. Before was October, skeptical that you’d text, but managing a word here or there. In September there was some hope, some rebalancing and figuring out where we fit each other. August was our bittersweet denouement, spending every possible moment together, as if that could ward off…

How iCal Saved My Blog

I desperately needed an editorial calendar. A real one, anyway–my scribbled notes and dates were becoming too disorganized, especially when I wanted to plan for bigger blogging projects. When you're a #blogger who changes her mind as much as I do… — Sabina (@VictimToCharm) December 19, 2014 I spent a lot of time googling…